What did you think

What did you think when you posted those comments?

Be honest

Was it the anonymity

that set you free

to be the man

you wanted to be

while subjugating me?


Let me repeat them back to you

This time

imagine your mum is in front of you

or your sister

or your girlfriend,

God forbid

If you think that’s how you should love her

you haven’t lived.




Take this

Take that

You want a good quiet girl

who won’t open her trap

But who will have it open

at the required moment

eyes wide open

arching her back. 


You’ve been brought up on screens

depicting us in this position

You’ve been conditioned to think

we’re bodies without brains

so you can defecate on us with your words

and shroud us in shame

thinking those words 

won’t hurt

won’t linger

won’t stay.


Listen to these words 

as they fall from my lips

lips the likes of you will never kiss:

One day you’ll be older

wiser, mature

One day you may have a daughter

who you will adore

Now imagine someone your age

calling her a whore

because they think that’s OK

and all she’s good for.


Please strive for more

and think before you speak

because that girl could be any girl

it isn’t just me.

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© Little poems collection

Build with Luna