I’ve been seeing this guy

I’ve been seeing this guy

For a few weeks now

And his face is OK

But the sex isn’t wow

And as he enters me

Pushing the small of my back

Lying on my side

That’s when the pain attacks


I push the pangs

To the back of my head

Lying here

Cheek pressed to the bed

Though this has crept in

Too many times before

I make an appointment the next day

Quarter past four


I lie on the couch

Legs spread wide

Look up at the ceiling

I’m uncomfortable and tired

She rummages inside me

With the slight of her hand

I think of what my mum once told me

And think of England if I can


I fumble for my knickers

Shuffle up and out

There’s no small talk here

Which frankly I’m happy about

She tells me I’ll get the results

In about a week

I smile and nod politely

Too embarrassed to speak


I get on with my life

Again, push it to the back of my head

But the jolt reawakens

Every time I’m on that bad

I try to take control

Trying out different positions

Bite my tongue as he still won’t go down on me

Of his own volition


He tells me my pleasure

Is all he cares about

But I can’t remember the last time

I had to muffle the moans from my mouth

Is this it? - I ask myself -

Is this as good as it gets?

Painful intercourse

Bloody sheets and regrets


A week passes

And I go back to see aforementioned nurse

I look at her with eyes of steel that say:

Go on, do you worst

She clears her throat

I clear mine as we dance a tango of silence

My palms are clammy, my nails are worn

My cheeks a little flushed and vibrant


As you know we did the scan

And ran some routine tests

We’ve checked your cervix and uterus

And every single egg

I’m not sure how to tell you this

I know you’re having problems in bed

But there’s nothing we can do for you

It’s all in your


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© Little poems collection

Build with Luna